If you are interested in online data entry work, then here is a best site. You can earn 100 to 200 dollar per month. The site is very genuine and good. You only need a computer and a net connection. Lets start online typing work.

Earn Money Online by Tamil Page Typing: Cyber Expo is another largest Tamil page typing job provider for South India. If you have a good command of Tamil Document Conversation or Tamil to English / Hindi Typing, you can sign for a free account from here. With this kind of extra money, you can earn up to- $ 5 per 5-page document entry.

Click Here : ProTypers.Com

ProTypers is a conglomerate of data entry specialists. We work primarily on converting scanned documents from images-to-text for institutions in all corners of the world. We also offer our services to Neural Network developers that work with image recognition, and provide visual assistive services for the visually impaired (blind).
We’re currently hiring data entry personnel from all over the world. The only requirement to work for us is to have a computer, an internet connection and the ability to type over 30 Words per Minute. You decide when to work and for how long. The faster you type, the more money you earn.

Online Earn Money By Typing India Online

ProTypers.com is ideal for:

  • Mothers that stay at home.
  • Parents that need a second job.
  • Students.
  • People in between jobs.

How much you earn depends on the amount of work that you do. Our top typers earn between $100 and $250 each month! Our payment rates start from USD$0.45 for each 1000 word images typed, and go as high as up to USD$1.5 for each 1000 word images typed. We pay through Debit Cards, Bank Checks, Paypal WebMoney, Perfect Money, Payza and Western Union.

Source : ProTypers.Com

There is big wave of technological advancement we are living in. Today the Internet is shaping new age careers opportunities, especially the online typing jobs without investment. As several earning ways are emerging each day more and more people wants to become online typist in India.

So if you are looking for easy online work to make some money, then come with me. I have this interesting Internet job that you can do from home without any registration fee. If you know typing pages & documents then you can earn money online by typing without investment. You can become online typist and get daily payment at home. This work is completely free to join in India.

At the same time these typing jobs are getting more and more popular among the students. Whether you are an experienced or beginner, you should try this at least once. Thus if you want to know how to make money online in India by some genuine and legitimate work then this is for you. Companies are providing weekly and daily payment plans also.

Here we will discuss on how you can get these jobs without investing any money. So shall we begin?

Online Typing Jobs – Your Guide To Earn Money Online by Typing

Use this complete guide to earn money online by typing pages and documents. First let’s understand the basic concepts of this career. After all to learn something we have to study its basic principals beforehand. As we all know that the work mainly involves around typing on the computer system.

What Are Internet Typing Jobs Without Investment?

If you ask me, what are these online typing jobs? And How can i start without any investment? Then I will say that these are the online typing work which can be done from home with daily payment in your bank account. These jobs are quite similar to online data entry jobs and sometimes the work is also identical. But don’t confuse between these two kinds of jobs. Broadly, they both are similar trade but the process is different.

In this job you get raw data that needs to be typed in the provided program. That program usually is MS-Word or an online application. Means you will need to be online while this work is going on. So this the difference between the data input and this work. The typing jobs can vary depending on the work itself.

Types of Typing Jobs Online

The typing profession have some classification that you should be aware of. To name few: text inputting work, transcription jobs, online form filling jobs, etc. Although most of these are data conversion works. And it can be done both online and offline medium as well.

  • Document Format Conversion
  • CRM Data Entry (online)
  • Advertisement Typing Work (online)
  • Virtual Typewriter Works
  • Article Creation (offline)
  • Registration Data Feeding (online/offline)
  • And Many

Some jobs require to be done online and they can’t be done offline. Again this is not any mandatory rule. This totally depends on the type of work you are getting.

How Much Can You Earn Money Online by Typing Pages?

The earning potential of this typing online jobs are quite good that I can say. It also depends on your performance and dedication. On top of that the income will also depend the type of work you are doing. For example typing content solely on yourself will yield more earnings than most.

See: How To Improve Typing Speed

But I want to give give you an rough estimate on how much you can earn in online typist jobs. On an average, the basic income can be somewhere from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1500 per day. Yes, there is weekly and daily payment mode also present in most of the companies. This is the reason why the online typing jobs without investment & registration fee are the most growing industry today.

How To Start Online Typing Jobs Without Investment

Now let’s talk about the most interesting part. How can you start this job and become online, freelance typist? Well, as long as you can type data using computer keyboard with minimum errors you are good to go. There is no requirement for super fast typing speeds. But the faster you type the more money you will make. As simple as that.

The employer will give you enough time to complete the assigned tasks. And if you are able to type faster, you will be completing the work earlier. Thus resulting in more achieved targets per month. So you can earn much more from home if you type quicker and accurately.

Pro Tip: Do some practice tests on the internet and improve your typing skills.

Moreover if someone have knowledge of shorthand or stenography then it can be useful too. I will also recommend you to keep the stenography error free. This will increase the chances of a successfully completed work. You should put more focus on correct and accurate typing than doing faster without accuracy.

Although there will be spelling and grammar checking feature available. We all understand that these jobs require feeding text into some MS Word like software. The Microsoft Word has in built grammar checker but you can use dedicated spelling and grammar checking software too.

Join Online Typing Jobs Without Registration Fee

Here I am taking an example of typing work from home. I am showing the process of finding a reliable and genuine online typist vacancy. This process can be used for many other online jobs from home without investment as well. Now when you have made your mind to start online typing jobs without registration fee, then what you need to do?

First you need to find a good opportunity provider platform. For this, you can sign-up on the below given websites. There is free registration fee on all of these websites. Means you are not required to spend any money to get started.

After the registration, develop your profile there. Mention your experience, skills, qualifications, etc. Also, showcase your portfolio if you have it. Otherwise its completely fine and you can start as beginner. So these are the websites:

There are so many websites like these, but I recommend to do registration on 2-3 websites only in beginning. These websites are genuine freelancing platform for many users to work online. So even if you are not feeling confident for these jobs, still I will say go and join them. These are the basic things happens to most of us. These websites are working on without investment and zero registration fee principle. They can provide daily payout as well.


Pros and Cons of This Work

Before going and joining in any online typing jobs without investment, I want to share some pros and cons of this work. Since it’s an home based job, which may not be suitable for some. But most of us will going to like it. The benefits are similar to the all other online works.

Some Pros:

  • Good Earning Potential
  • Without Any Investment
  • No Registration Fee
  • Free To Join
  • Easy To Scale
  • Work From Home
  • Get Weekly, Daily Payment
  • Easy and Comfortable Job
  • Best Option For Typist
Online earn money by typing india test

Now, look at the disadvantages of this online typing work. Some of this may not be applicable to you. And similarly, this is again common for many online professions.

Some Cons:

  • No Office To Go
  • Computer & Internet Required
  • Typing Skills Required
  • Isolated Work

So now it’s your turn to decide. The benefits are much more than those mentioned here. You can analyze these all points with your preferences. You should observe which of the factor is applicable for and which is not. That way you can find a better and customized judgment for yourself.


To sum up everything, I would recommend you to go and join some of these freelancing websites. Just create an awesome looking profile there. You can take reference from other people’s profiles also. These websites are offering several online typing jobs without investment and registration fee. So you are loosing nothing.

Later, you can develop your typing skills further to become more productive. Although beginners can also join these jobs and start their earnings online. For experienced typist, this is already the best option. You can work as per your convenience. Work part time or full time that is your preference.

At last, if you like this article then please share it with your friends on Social Media. They may also find it useful. And if you have any suggestion or query, you can leave your comment below. Thanks.

Online Earn Money By Typing India

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