
Currency Exchange Rates - International Money Transfer Xe. Sale Price = 195 - 48.75. Sale Price = $146.25 (answer). This means the cost of the item to you is $146.25. You will pay $146.25 for a item with original price of $195 when discounted 25%. In this example, if you buy an item at $195 with 25% discount, you will pay 195 - 48.75 = 146.25 dollars.

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Having the opportunity to invest $250,000 is a big deal. Congrats!

Making the right decisions with this amount of money can be a life-changer. The problem most people face is where do you start investing when you have $250k?

These ways to invest and ideas of how to diversify will help you invest wisely, so your investment grows.

Ways to Invest $250k

Savings Account

Savings accounts are not the sexiest or most high interest of investments, but there are two reasons to consider them when you have $250,000 to invest.

The first is for an emergency fund. If you do not have six months’ worth of expenses saved up, then you should you a portion of your $250k to get your financial house in order.

Second, is to be ready for an opportunity. Having some money on hand for when a good investment comes along is the best way to make the most money. The highest interest rates on savings include:


Betterment is a robo-advisor designed to give people the advantages of a financial advisor without the cost. Instead of working with a person, you answer a short series of questions that determine the best mix of investments for your risk tolerance.

After that, you transfer money into your account, and the platform does all the investing for you. Betterment can rebalance your portfolio and takes into account how taxes can affect your movements.

If you are looking for hands-off investing with the convenience of an advisor, then Betterment should be a top consideration.


Fundrise takes real estate investing an makes it easy. Instead of researching, buying, and making money off of real estate, you can let someone else do everything for you.

Fundrise does this by allowing you to invest in their REITs (real estate investment trust). Hundreds of investors fund the trusts, and the money is then used in real estate investments across the country.

Fundrise allows you to own real estate without any of the hassles of owning real estate.


Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) allow you to invest in hundreds or thousands of different investments by purchasing shares, just like you would buy shares of an individual stock.

A fund manager manages the funds, or you can purchase ETFs that follow large indexes like the S&P 500. You can even purchase and research the performance of ETFs with no trading fees from Ally Invest and other no-fee brokerages.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are a low-cost way to diversify your investments. They can vary between stock and index funds, bond funds, real estate funds, and a host of others.

Mutual funds work by allowing a lot of people to “mutually fund” a set of investments. A fund manager determines those investments. You can see the full performance history of mutual funds from a brokerage like AllyInvest.


Bonds are considered a safer investment than stocks. They are an investment in the debt of a government or business.

U.S. government bonds can be purchased from the TreasuryDirect.gov while state and municipal bonds can be bought from those government websites.

Corporate bonds can be purchased directly through a broker or as a part of an ETF or Mutual fund. You can get a 5% on corporate bond returns through WorthyBonds.com, which makes it easy to get secured corporate bonds.

Real Estate

Having $250,000 to invest makes real estate a viable choice for part of your investment. In many parts of the country, you can find low-cost housing to purchase for much less than $250k.

You can either purchase and rent out these houses or flip them for a profit. Either way, make sure you do your research and know what repair costs are, so you know you have enough money.


Whether you have a side hustle, you want to make bigger or know a small business that could use capital, and you get an ownership stake. Investing in a business can be a great way to utilize a $250,000 investment.


Many people will disagree that giving to charity is an investment. However, I view giving back to charitable organizations as an investment in society and myself.

Not only do we see the world differently when we get outside our lane, but it also changes something inside of us to give to a worthy cause.

In our family, we give 10% of all income to our local church, and when we are able, additional money to causes, we believe in. This is my favorite investment each month.


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Stocks are a favorite for many people. While most people invest in stock through mutual funds or ETFs, there is big money to be made if you become proficient at purchasing individual shares.

That also means there is a significant risk in purchasing individual stocks, so make sure you are ready for the ups and downs. Once Again, Ally Invest is an excellent brokerage to get started because there are no fees on stock trades.


Retirement accounts allow you to invest for retirement while avoiding or delaying being taxed.

Pre-tax account contributions are deducted from your current year’s income taxes, grow tax-free, and you have to pay taxes when you withdraw money at retirement. A good example would be a 401(k), SEP-IRA account, or a traditional IRA.

Post-tax account contributions count toward the current year’s income taxes, grow tax-free, but you do not have to pay any taxes when you withdraw the money at retirement. A good example would be any account that has a “Roth” in the name.


Paying off debt is not exactly an investment, but it keeps you from having interest work against you. It also relieves the stress of having that debt on your back each month.

If I were looking at how to invest 250,000 dollars right now, I would wipe out any high-interest debt, because it is almost impossible to get comparable interest rates to what you are charged.


Whether you need to go back to school or pick up some new training to make you better at your current job, investing in your own knowledge is worthwhile. Adding new skills or certifications can be a quick win for making more money.

Another way to invest in learning is to start a 529 plan for a child. These college savings plans grow tax-free and are not charged any taxes when you withdraw for educational expenses.


Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic, both as a technology and an investment. Since crypto is still very young in its development, I wouldn’t put a ton of cash here, but it is worth investing in learning how the exchanges work.

You can get started pretty quickly with Coinbase, which is based in the United States.

How I Would Invest $250,000

No matter how much money you are considering investing, it is important to understand how and what you want to invest in.

To this end, I run through many options on paper before putting my money anywhere. Here is how I would Invest $250k

Charity ($25,000)

As I stated above, giving 10% of everything we earn is a priority in our house. This was the easiest $25,000 investment on this list.

Betterment (30,000)

Betterment gives me a passive approach to investing. Placing a $30k investment allows me an easy way to get into the stock and bond markets without having to do the research myself.

Fundrise ($50,000)

Fundrise would allow me to get into real estate and diversify my investments. While investing $50k into Fundrise is the largest single investment I make on this list, several of the other investments rely on stocks.

This gives me a more diversified portfolio, thus the large number.


Stocks ($40,000)

I am not a big investor in individual stocks, but I have started learning. Starting with a $40k investment for seed money would allow me to deepen my understanding of doing research and picking good stocks.

Retirement ($20,000)

To invest $20,000 into retirement accounts, you will need to have a mixture of individual and employer-sponsored plans. I have Roth IRA accounts for both my wife and I and a SEP IRA for my side hustle earnings.

You can start most any retirement account with Ally Invest and enjoy free trading of ETFs and Stocks.

Savings Account ($70,000)

This is a pretty sizeable amount to be put into a high yield savings account, but I feel like sitting an investment of $70k on the side would allow me to be ready for a real estate deal or something else substantial.

Crypto ($15,000)

Using a $15,000 investment in crypto represents less than 10% of my portfolio. I have been learning about how to exchange these currencies, and this much money would only expedite my learning curve.

Final Thoughts on How to Invest 250,000 Dollars

Whether its a $250k or $2,000 investment, you want to make sure that you understand what you are investing in and that you can diversify as much as possible.


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Anyone who invests in something they don’t understand or only invests in one thing is asking for trouble.

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Build your knowledge in multiple investments, and you can watch your $250,000 grow to $500,000 in investments.