SweatCoin is a mobile app for Android and iOS that pays you for walking, running, and being mobile.

  1. Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money 2020
  2. Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money
  3. Does Sweatcoin Give Real Money
  4. Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money For A
  5. Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money As A
  6. Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money To Play

The Best Apps Like Sweatcoin. With platforms like Sweatcoin, you’re basically selling your user data in exchange for earning some free money and gift card rewards. Some of these apps use a slightly different model and require betting on yourself to reach a fitness goal, but generally, you’re exercising and selling your user data for rewards. However, as we grow our exchange rate has been settling around £1/$1 for 50 sweatcoins. As we grow the exchange rate will become more and more consistent! So to wrap up, 1 sweatcoin does not = $1 (at this point in time), and you can't cash out sweatcoins for real money - yet.

The app is advertised to reward users for being active and getting fit while getting paid for it, which is a nice way to motivate even the laziest person (or reward those who are already active).


  • Type: Mobile app
  • Platforms: iOS, Android
  • Price: Free (with ads)
  • Registration required: Yes
  • Earning potential: –
  • Realistic earning average: –
  • Time commitment: –
  • Estimated earnings per hour: –
  • Download the app: Android or iOS

Overall score: 5/10 (Average)

SweatCoin is a legitimate app that rewards you for being active, but the prizes offered are lackluster and there’s no easy way to convert your coins to real cash. There are also problems with the steps-to-coin conversion algorithm and any decent prize is priced too highly. This is not an easy way to earn money or prizes and only should be used for those who are already active, or need a low-incentive motivator.

How does SweatCoin work?

The app works by tracking your steps and converting them to a virtual currency called sweatcoins. The app tracks your movement by using your phone’s GPS and a custom algorithm that measures and converts your steps to the coin currency.

That’s one of the major problems with the app. The conversion formula seems to be all over the place.

For example, I walk an average of 12K steps a day (probably even more now because we all have nowhere to go). I use a cheapo third-party fitness tracker, my phone’s pedometer, and SweatCoin.

All three give me different readings, but the fitness tracker and phone are roughly within 1K steps of each other at the end of the day. SweatCoin, however, seems to shave major steps off the total.

Sometimes it takes off more than half of the total and upwards of 6-7K down from 12K. That’s significantly inaccurate and makes me think that the algo used is in need of some fine-tuning.

But on the other hand, the developers probably made it that way to remove all fake or unintentional steps.

This isn’t just my experience- if you read the reviews, both on the Android and iOS stores, you can see that plenty of people complain about the same thing:

The thing to keep in mind here is that if you’re already active, you can think of this app as a passive way to earn some rewards.

But if you’re exercising JUST for the sake of earning prizes using SweatCoin, you’ll feel ripped off. I mean, who wants to sweat outside all day after putting in that last 1K steps just to see 60% of their steps disappear? Especially when it was done legitimately.

How much can you make with SweatCoin?

Sweatcoins earned can be exchanged for various items from the marketplace. You USED to be able to redeem PayPal cash, virtual gift cards, and other random swag from their currency exchange.

So you’re probably thinking: Does SweatCoin give you real money?

Well, you can earn PayPal cash but only if you refer friends. Otherwise, you’re stuck with random subscriptions, or discounts for stuff you don’t need.

The actual good stuff costs way too much that’ll take you many years to earn enough Sweatcoins to redeem. So don’t count on it. You’ll probably give up by then.

But they’ve changed this now to simply discounts on prizes that require a subscription, or at least most of them. This is pretty lame and discourages a lot of users.

You can earn stuff like GoPro, Samsung TVs, and more. But not everyone can redeem this stuff as it seems to be geo-restricted. Other prizes are discounted razors, socks, clothing, and other stuff you can easily buy at the dollar store. Cash prizes are here and there, but limited.

All the prizes you could want aren’t there (phones, game consoles, gift cards, etc.). And the things that you DO want are extremely expensive. They also have “free trial” offers when you buy a sub to get something or get 50% discounts on products you’d never need. You don’t earn prizes. You earn coupons.

Another problem is that the prizes may disappear without notice as the developers try to figure out a way to keep users using their app while making a profit.

So that $100 PayPal you’ve been walking towards? It can disappear the next day. And it requires a friend referral just to get cash to spend on the things you DO want.

The other problem? The time it takes to earn a non-garbage reward is a long, long time. NO joke. For example, if you earn 30 coins a month, you’ll need to walk 7 months to redeem $100.

Your coins can only be used on subscriptions, discounted goods you don’t want, or super expensive prizes you’ll never earn enough for. Some prizes even ask for your bank details.

Are they paying us to walk and get fit? Or are they just selling our location history/

Users have been complaining about the crappy prize offerings forever and the company usually replies with the same copy/pasted response:

They state that they’re constantly working hard to find new offers from marketplace vendors, but this has yet to happen.

So the amount you can earn with SweatCoin is largely dependent on multiple factors:

  • How many steps you walk per day
  • How the conversion algorithm decides to convert your steps

With these two variables in mind, you can earn next to nothing (a fraction of a sweatcoin) or 2 coins a day. It’s all based on your activity level and how the algo converts your steps to coins. Maybe after some time, you’ll figure out how to make it actually track your steps accurately so you can maximize your earnings daily.

Otherwise, you’re just being tracked and draining your battery because of GPS usage for nothing.

The app does utilize the GPS and you may notice your battery dropping. There are a ton of guides on maximizing battery life using various settings for those who use it all day. SweatCoin also uses the time and date of your device as a tracking data point.

The money you earn from SweatCoin isn’t real. It’s virtual. And everything in the store is pricey. Only the cheap junk is cheap, but it’s junk (duh).

For those who save up a ton of SC, they ask for personal details when you try to redeem, like your credit card or bank details.

Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money 2020

Everything else is just a discount on something you don’t need or a subscription to something you don’t want. Why is it so hard to just redeem for a gift card- the prize that everyone wants?

They claim to have over 50M users, so why isn’t this a given yet:

So it comes down to personal preference:

  • If you already walk daily and are active, SweatCoin may be a nice source of passive income ONLY if you have the mindset that you don’t care about the prizes. A decent prize doesn’t come easy.
  • If you’re looking for an app that pays you for walking, SweatCoin isn’t the best choice. The prizes don’t allow you to “pay” yourself for walking through gift cards or PayPal (unless you jump through hoops).

And you’ll also have to deal with an algorithm that constantly shaves off your steps. Plus, you’ll drain your battery quickly with the GPS running in the background.

Whatever you do, don’t download this app with the mentality that you’ll earn “free money.” it’s far from it.

But if you want to earn some virtual coins here and there based on a moody algorithm for some prizes that are crappy, then yeah, you should give it a try. It’s all about the mindset you come in with.

This is NOT an easy way to earn passive money. You may even spend more on electricity and time charging your phone from the GPS drain than you earn from the app!

Is SweatCoin worth it?

If you already walk around all day (retail, fast food, or service industry job, etc.) then you might as well download it, assuming you don’t already drain your battery at the end of the day. If you do, then skip it because this app will eat up the rest of your battery.

But if you’re not active and you want to either:

  • Be motivated to earn some small rewards/discounts
  • Want to make passive income

Then it depends. Are you doing it for the possibility of making money?

You’ll be disappointed because this app will take forever to pay out and make walking worth your time. But if you’re doing it to get those free small discounts here and there, then okay, it may be worth your time. Just like for those who are already active.

You need to download the app with the right mindset. Or else you’ll give up as soon as you find out how little rewards you get, or the crappy conversion rate, or how long it takes to get any reward worth your efforts.

Otherwise, I’d say you should skip SweatCoin for now- until they finally get their partnerships in order and have a marketplace where you can redeem actual cash or virtual gift cards.

With 50M users, why can’t they just go to Amazon or something and BUY gift cards for users? There’s no need for a “partnership” unless that’s their excuse for stalling.

Sure, it’s time-consuming, but I’m pretty sure there are ways to automate it or use an API to automatically redeem the GCs. There are plenty of OTHER apps that pay you in Amazon gift cards. And if they can do it, why can’t SweatCoin with such a huge user base?

Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money

Is it free?

Yes, the app is free. SweatCoin is ad-supported and I also assume they get a commission when you sign up for one of their subscription packages in their marketplace. And when you use one of their discount coupons.

So they’re taking in some nice affiliate commissions when you redeem stuff. Otherwise, for you, all you’ll have to see are ads that pop up. There are 30-second videos that get annoying very quickly.

Otherwise, the base version of SweatCoin is free. I believe there’s also a premium version that unlocks other rewards and faster ways to earn coins, but I didn’t bother signing up for that.

Is SweatCoin legit?

Yes, SweatCoin is a legitimate app that does reward users with virtual currency that can be exchanged for various items.

But the process of getting there takes a long time with an algorithm that doesn’t always convert your steps to the proper sweatcoin equivalent. The prizes are also not worth the time for most cases because they’re things you don’t need or require a credit card to sign up, which is a big no-no for most people.

Regardless, they DO reward, but not always in the most straightforward way possible.

Is it worth your time?

Again, that depends on your purpose for using it. If you want to make money, hard pass. If you want to get prizes for being active because you already have an active lifestyle, then okay, sure.

Or if you need some “motivation” in the form of coupons for various things you probably don’t need, then yeah, go for it.

Overall review

SweatCoin is a good idea, but poorly executed. It’s awesome to pay people in a virtual coin for walking and getting fit, but when there’s nothing to redeem with said coin, it’s exactly what it is- a virtual coin. That’s worth nothing. The prizes are lame.

And the good prizes take years to get- if they don’t change it and swap it for something else. The app also drains your battery with GPS and monitors you nonstop. And the currency conversion is hit or miss- or completely random.

Therefore, you need to decide on WHY you want to get this app first. Then go from there.

Sweatcoin app review 2020

If you read my post about the apps that pay you to walk, then you know Sweatcoin is a popular app that pays you to take a walk in the outdoors.

But, a lot of people who want to get paid to walk are skeptical (I was too!) –

  • Is Sweatcoin a scam?
  • Is Sweatcoin legit?
  • Does Sweatcoin give you real money?
  • Is Sweatcoin safe to use?

How does Sweatcoin make money? etc… the list of questions is endless.

After all, we know if someone is ready to pay you to do absolutely simple things there has to be a catch. Something is wrong. Sweatcoin scam?

There are a lot of questions about Sweatcoin and making money on a smartphone while walking.

So, let me answer the first question straight up –

Is Sweatcoin a Scam or Is Sweatcoin Legit?

No, it is not. Sweatcoin is NOT a scam and it is a completely legitimate app to get paid to walk.

Read: Highest paying apps today!

If you are using Sweatcoin properly, you will get paid to walk. That said, let me add a caveat –

Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money

You are not going to get rich using these apps or by getting paid to walk.

But, you will definitely make some money (enough to pay a few expenses, not hundreds of dollars).

If you are still not convinced and still wonder if Sweatcoin a scam, the app has been covered in the Business Insider, The New Yorker, Tech Crunch, The New York Times and more.

It is a credible company and people have earned money with it.

Note – This post may contain affiliate links. Please read disclosure policy


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I. What is SweatCoin?

For those of you who do not know, Sweatcoin is a free smartphone app that helps you earning money while you walk the outdoors.

You will not be paid for any steps that you take indoor.

If you are thinking up ways to mislead the app or fake the steps, let me tell you the makers are smart.

Sweatcoin has two step system to verify that you are in fact walking outdoors –

First, the Sweatcoin system will count your steps using the pedometer that is built in the app

Second, Sweatcoin has a system to ensure you are not cheating. So, they co-relate your steps with your geolocation to ensure you are actually moving out (and, not moving or shaking the phone alone!).


For every 1000 real steps that you take, you can earn .95 sweatcoins.

Sweatcoin is not real currency but the owners are working towards making it a cryptocurrency. It is not on blockchain yet.

The next important question is then –

Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money

How much is a sweatcoin worth?

Well, it is $1 for every 50 sweat coins that you will earn walking outdoors.

That is the sweatcoin to USD conversion for you!

You can spend your rewards (or Sweatcoin) in the marketplace in exchange for Amazon, Paypal vouchers and thousand other offers available on the platform.

We discuss all of this in detail in the latter part of this post

Relevant read:

II. How does SweatCoin work

Okay.. so let’s get to the meaty part and talk about how to make money walking with Sweatcoin.

The first step you need to take is to download the app.

1. Download the app

Start by installing the app on your smartphone. It is the first step for you to start earning sweatcoins.

It is available for both Android and iOS. Check it out here

2. Start walking

Once you have downloaded the app, you are set to start walking.

Remember that you have to open up the app before you start walking and let the app run in the background. It needs to track your steps.

Besides that, you also need to switch on your GPS for it to work accurately.

Every time you walk outside, Sweatcoin will register how many outdoor steps you take and will reward you .95 sweatcoins every 1,000 steps.

Again, this is not a lot of money but if you let the app keeping running in the background, the steps do add up.

3. Exchange Sweat coins for rewards

Once you earn sweatcoins, you can exchange or redeem them for one of the rewards on the platform (daily offers)

You can find gift cards, restaurant discounts, holiday vouchers or even an iPhone for 20k sweatcoins (marathon offers).

III. How can you make money with Sweatcoin (besides walking)

There are three ways to earn Sweatcoins

  • Get paid to walk
  • Earn daily Bonus
  • Refer a friend and get referral bonus

Make money for walking

We have already talked about getting paid to walk outside. Just to add a few more points –

When you download and sign up for Sweatcoins, you will be a part of their free plan (Movers).

It comes with limitations on how many Sweatcoins can you earn.

This is a free level and it only allows you to earn up to 5 Sweatcoins a day which is approx. 5000 steps in a single day.

With the free plan, you can make 5 * 30 = $150 a month but you will also be walking 15000 steps for it.

If you want to increase the limit and earn money, you will need to buy their paid plans.

They are –

Shaker – Cost 4.75 Sweatcoins/month

You can earn upto 10 Sweatcoins per day and a maximum of 300 Sweatcoins per month.

This means, you have to walk approx. 10000 steps for 10 Sweatcoins.

Quaker – Cost 20 Sweatcoins/month

With Quaker, you can earn up to 15 Sweatcoins per day and upto 450 Sweatcoins in a month.

It is approx. 15000 steps in a month to earn all of it.

BreakerCost: 30 Sweatcoins/month

With Breaker, you can earn 30 Sweatcoins in a day which is 600 Sweatcoins per month.

It is approx. 20,000 steps a month upto 600 sweatcoins per month.

My opinion about Sweatcoin paid membership –

If you look at all the plans closely, the free plan is the best for the most people.

You are not going to walk more than 1000 steps outside on a usual day.

Anything beyond the plan requires you to walk more than 10000 EVERY day to actually utilise the plan – which is not possible for all of us – even if we are serious about fitness

You should start out with the free plan and if you exceed at least 5000 steps in a day, you can think about upgrading to a paid subscription.

The other two are self explanatory.

There are ways to earn daily bonus and you can see them on the dashboard.

You can also refer a friend and earn referral bonus with them

IV. How can I redeem Sweatcoin rewards?

Let’s learn how I can redeem the rewards or the sweatcoins that you earn walking –

  • Daily offers
  • Marathon offers

Daily offers or Sweatcoin rewards

There are a lot of offers on the platform and Sweatcoin is constantly working on adding new each day.

As discussed above, you can redeem Sweatcoins for restaurant vouchers, holiday vouchers, workout clothes, and much more.

If you cannot find the offer or reward of your liking to redeem, wait for a few days for new ones.

Marathon offers

You should always keep an eye out for marathon offer..

They are called “marathon offers” for a good reason.

In some cases, you can grab Sweatcoin rewards like iPhone XS, $1000 in cash paid via Sweatcoin paypal and $1000 holiday voucher.

All that sounds too good to be true… how do you collect so many sweatcoins all by yourself?

Well, the good news is, Sweatcoins allows you to transfer between accounts. That means, you can invite friends and family to combine efforts, add sweatcoins and earn the marathon rewards faster.

So far so good.

It is time to look at some pros and cons of the app Sweatcoin

Sweatcoin Pro

  • You get paid to walk and be healthy. It definitely acts as motivator for you to move more
  • If you collate your efforts with friends/family – you can grab great rewards from the marathon offers
  • All you need to do is let Sweatcoin run in the background and track your steps.
  • Sweatcoin marketplace allows you to have Paypal cash, Amazon vouchers and many more rewards. Wait it out before you can redeem it for something you love.

Sweatcoin Cons

  • Your steps count only if they are outside of your house. It does not matter how many step you take each day while you are indoors.
  • If you are allowing Sweatcoin app to run in the background with GPS being on, you will drain out the battery life quickly.

You can learn more about about the pros, cons and personal experience in this is sweatcoin legit or is sweatcoin a scam reddit conversation

V. Is Sweatcoin safe to use

Yes, it definitely is.

While it may not make you rich, but you can convert your steps into cash or vouchers.

If you already walk a lot outside, it is a great way to monetise that time as well. It also acts as a great motivator to walk more steps each day

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does SweatCoin make money?

While you can find more about this here, Sweatcoin makes money by partnerships, promoting products and the ad revenue model.

Does Sweatcoin Give Real Money

2. Does Sweatcoin Use Data when counting my steps?

No. Sweatcoin only requires GPS on your smartphone to be on. They do not need data or wifi to work

3. Do SweatCoins expire?

Fortunately, they don’t. Sweatcoins do not expire and you can keep them as long as you find a sweet offer to redeem them on

4. Will I earn steps walking on a treadmill?

No. The app is designed to use geolocation and GPS to ensure you are walking outdoors.

5. Can I cash out my SweatCoins to my PayPal or bank account?

Yes, you can but NOT directly. You do not have that option.

If you want to transfer Sweatcoin to Paypal account in cash, you will have to wait for the voucher in the marketplace.

6. How many Sweatcoins is $1? How much is a sweatcoin worth?

On average, 50 sweatcoins equal $1. That is the sweatcoin to USD conversion for you!

7. Does Sweatcoin give you really money?

Yes and No.

You are rewarded a coin for every 1000 steps. However, Sweatcoins are getting accepted by vendors as a valid payment method.

For example, for 20000 sweatcoins, you can buy an iPhone. Read more about Sweatcoins being real money here

Actually, Sweatcoin owners vision is to make it a cryptocurrency which can be traded online. Right now, it is not on a blockchain.

8. Are there any Sweatcoin hack to make more money on the app?

Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money For A

There are no such Sweatcoin hacks. However, you can let the app run in the background so all the steps that you do take outside the house counts.

9. Does Sweatcoin sell your data?

Sweatcoin does collect your location data, fitness schedule etc. It does not sell it to marketers as stated on their website.

They use it only to verify that you are actually walking outside. You can read this Business Insider article to know more

Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money As A

Relevant read on making money –

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Does Sweatcoin Use Real Money To Play

Is Sweatcoin a Scam or Is Sweatcoin legit?