Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet

  1. Real Money Balances Equal The
  2. Definition Of Real Money Balance
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OverviewCrisis responseMonetary policy normalizationFed's balance sheetFederal Reserve liabilitiesRecent balance sheet trendsOpen market operationsCentral bank liquidity swapsLending to depository institutionsFed financial reportsOther reports and disclosuresInformation on closed programs

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Recent balance sheet trends

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What are real money balances (check all that apply.)


Charts are generally updated at noon ET the day following the publication of the H.4.1, which is typically published at 4:30 ET on Thursdays.


*All Liquidity Facilities includes: Term Auction credit; primary credit; secondary credit; seasonal credit; Primary Dealer Credit Facility; Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility; Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility; Commercial Paper Funding Facility; Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility; and central bank liquidity swaps.

**Support to Specific Institutions includes: Maiden Lane LLC; Maiden Lane II LLC; Maiden Lane III LLC; and support to AIG.

Real Money Balances Equal The

***Support to AIG includes: credit extended to American International Group, and preferred interests in AIA Aurora LLC and ALICO Holdings LLC.


Definition Of Real Money Balance

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