
Sewing is regarded as a labour of love. A lot of care, time and attention goes into each stitch, and the end result is well worth the effort committed to every project. You can say the same thing about teaching. Teaching and sewing might seem vastly different on the surface, but they both require some level of patience and nurturing that easily transfers over to the other.

This is on the higher end of the spectrum when it comes to our average hourly rates; indeed Math teacher jobs are on par with Preply’s online Biology teacher jobs, Data Science teacher jobs, and Turkish teacher jobs. These pay average hourly rates of $24.45, $25.00 and $25.00 respectively. It’s important to note, however, that tutors at. Online tutors working on their own are typically paid around $30 per hour. This amount can increase to $50 or $60 per hour, for advanced subjects such as SAT Prep or calculus. The demand for online tutoring has exploded in recent years and students love it. However, since there are no physical limitations, the supply of available tutors is high.

Teach Sewing Lessons from Home

If you have been sewing for a long time and are now ready to share the knowledge you have gained with others, you should consider teaching sewing from home. Offering sewing lessons from home is a great opportunity to pamper your passion for sewing while earning a good income doing it. Sewing classes are quite popular especially among young women and teens since they open up the doors of home-based sewing business to them.

You can teach sewing lessons from home with little to no start-up capital. The best way for you to teach and your students to understand is through interacting in small groups or one-on-one. It is a profitable venture and you can increase class sizes too. If you love sewing and wonder how to start a sewing school, you will find the information provided here quite valuable.

How Do You Start Teaching Sewing from Home?

Sewing skill is not that you will need to teach sewing lessons from home; you will also have to grow your business and teaching skills too. The following is a breakdown of the steps you need to take to be successful in this incredibly competitive field.

1. Research Your Target Market

Always keep in mind the demographic that you plan to reach before you start offering any sewing class. The first step is to think about who you will be teaching or who your potential customers will be. It can be a good idea to carry out a survey among potential students to learn more about their ages, skill levels, and preferred time. You should also try to learn about their educational background and places of interest too. You will obviously be offering the lessons from home, so don’t forget to mention your convenient time from the start.

2. Research the Competition

The second most important step is to review your competitors who are operating similar schools. Find out the number of competitors that you have to compete with. If the competitors are few, you will have an easy time starting school from your home. If you have a lot of competition, you should be prepared to put up a fight.


3. Consult a Business Mentor

Look for a business mentor that isn’t your competitor, but who operates a similar business in a different location to help you out. The mentor may help you by sharing his/her own experience and provide valuable advice for running your business.

4. Prepare a Business Plan

You also need to prepare a comprehensive business plan for your sewing school. If you don’t have a properly formulated business plan, achieving success will be somewhat uncertain since it is an invaluable tool for guiding you throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

5. Find a Suitable Room to Hold the Classes

You need to find a suitable place to hold your classes, which will be easier for students to access and attend the class. The great thing about running the business from your own home is that you don’t have to spend extra money to rent a room where you will be holding the classes.

6. Gather the Equipment You Need

You will definitely require some equipment for the sewing school including:

  • Sewing Machine
  • Samples
  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Other Necessary Equipment

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7. Set Up a Lesson Plan

If you want to have a successful sewing school, you must create a good lesson plan. Decide how you plan to conduct the sewing class. You can use a hands-on approach or a live demonstration. A hands-on approach requires more equipment for your students. It is better for sewing lessons for beginners since it helps them understand the concepts better.

8. Advertise Your Business

You will now have to spread the word about your business. You can advertise specifically at various locations where you may easily find your target audience. You can advertise your sewing business both offline and online.

Online Promotional Methods

Create Your Website: You can create a website through one of two approaches i.e. Do it yourself or hire somebody to do it for you. The first approach is ideal if you already have experience building websites. Otherwise, it is better to use the second option.

Market the Website: You can market your website online in many different places to get you more business.

You can ensure that your business is listed on Google My Business, Yahoo Local, Yelp. You can also search for sewing communities and forums online where you can contribute with your expertise and establish yourself as an authority, which will help bring more business to you.


You can also use various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others to market your business and connect with potential students. You can even use paid advertising such as Google Ads to get the word out about your business.

Offline Promotional Methods

You can place either a classified advertisement or display advertisement in your local newspaper depending on your budget. You can also target word of mouth advertising i.e. you can ask your clients for recommendations. Have your clients write testimonials for display on your website. If you have positive reviews online, people are more likely to notice and use your services than if you don’t.

Teach Foreign Students Online And Earn Money

Finally, you should consider getting involved with the community since it works better when used with word of mouth advertising. This includes joining a sewing group in your location to meet with other people passionate or interested in sewing and get the word out about your business too. You can also target fabric or sewing shops in your location with business cards and flyers too.

9. Set a Reasonable Price

It is also important to set an affordable and reasonable price for your sewing classes for prospective students. If you plan to teach multiple classes every week, you should set an affordable lump sum fee for the sewing classes.

When you set the fees for the classes, it is important to ensure that you keep in mind the income of the prospective students (or their parents), to ensure that your classes are affordable and that there’s more interest in attending the class.

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10. Inform Students About the Supplies Required

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You will have to type the class lesson plans and supply lists for students and then distribute it to your students. You can also recommend specific materials for them to buy and also mention whether or not they will be required to come with their own sewing machines to the class, as well as any other types of materials or it’s they will be required to bring to class or not.

Final Thoughts

Teach Foreign Students Online And Earn Money At Home

Sewing is a passion for many, but when it comes to sharing that passion in the form of sewing lessons from home, it can all seem too overwhelming. If you want to effectively teach sewing lessons from home successfully, you should break it down into small manageable pieces as discussed here. Once you have taken care of the logistics, you will have more time to focus on sewing, which is what you love!