

So here's the deal. I'm looking to make some real life money on WoW. I figure you can make a majority of the money while AFK or using a bot so it's literally making money in your sleep. You can probably make at least $5 a day while botting assuming you do it at least 16 hours a day. I know it doesn't seem like much, but when you think about it, that's $150 a month which can add up over time.
So assuming you bot a majority of the day, and make your money selling the gold you get, what are some other great ways to make real life money with WoW? How have some of you guys made money with WoW, how do you do it effectively, etc. If you don't know of a way to make real life money, maybe share some extraordinary ways to make gold in WoW (hacks, etc)
Here's what I am thinking of doing:
-First of all, sell my main World of Warcraft account. I don't know how I would do this yet.
-Get RAF and some how bot both characters at the same time. The main account will be a paladin and the other one will be a character that sells well.
-Get them to level 80 and bot the paladin using gatherbuddy or to just kill mobs, depending on the wow market and etc. Play the other account when you have free time and try to get it at least fully badge geared then sell it. Maybe if you can, get gladiator on the account then sell it.
-Get some connections so you can sell your wow gold more than what some sites buy it for.
What are your ideas? What should I look into before I do this?

Can You Make Real Money In Wow

Regardless of the reason, making real money by selling WoW mounts and items on PlayerAuctions is as easy as 1-2-3 - here's how it works: 1. Create an account at PlayerAuctions and put your items and/or mounts for sale Our platform gives you complete freedom so that you can decide how much you want to sell your items for.