You can really make money writing online by just writing some simple article that should be completely possible to write within a couple of hours Let me tell you about myself. I do a lot of my outsourcing and I have paid to article writers more than $20 per 1000 words blog post and that’s too basic article writers. As a Freelancer. There are people who prefer to stay as freelancers even with many years of.

Best 5 Site For ConBest 5 Site For Content Writers I Write Article & Earn Money: Hello friends, today we are going to tell you 6 such websites on which you can earn money by writing articles,

And one more thing, if you know how to write articles, but you are not completely perfect in this field, according to this, you should also do a small course in content writing, or you can learn content writing for free on YouTube if you do this. If you learn skills, then your life can become here because content writers also earn a lot of money,

If you are a content writer than me, then today’s post is completely for you because a lot of people do content writing work, but they do not know how to get any work, but today we will tell you all the websites, you will be on the site in them. You will also get work and you will also be able to earn here, so let’s start and see which are those 6 websites on which you will earn a lot,


So friends, the first site we have is, we have placed this site on the first number because there are already many people working here, the site is already giving money to the people,


So you guys go to this site and start your work here, before we tell you some things about this site, then there is a system of Revenue Sharing on this site which we will explain below,

  • Make Money From Your Articles.
  • So you can earn money on this website with the help of your skill content writing, which means you get paid for writing articles here,

  • Get Paid for Commenting on Articles.
  • The second way to earn money here is that you can also earn money by commenting on someone else’s article here, just what you have to comment should be related to the same article, only then you will get money,

  • Earn Cash Prizes and Gift Rewards for Taking Part in Contests.
  • If you work here every day, write articles here, then there are a lot of contests going on here, due to which you get more cash prizes, which is a very good thing.

    How To Write And Earn Money Online
  • Higher Earnings for Loyal Writers
  • If you are a loyal article writer then you also get a bonus here, so as soon as possible you should start earning from here

    So here we have understood how much you can earn, but we also know a little about how this site works, so the way of working of this website is very simple, first of all, you have to write an article, after that You have to publish that article on this site, and bu your earnings will be here,

    And if you work on this site then you can take it to your bank as soon as it is only $5, but


    So our second site which is named, this site is also a bit similar to the first site, but here you get a fixed amount for writing the article, and one big thing is if you leave India for someone else. And if you are from the country, then you people cannot work here because this site only gives work to Indians,

    So if you want to work here then it is very important for you to be an Indian.

    Now come that how much you can earn from this site, this site also has a Revenue Sharing Program like the first one, all your earnings here are told to you at the end of every month,

    And if you want to join this website, then you will get a click here link below, you have to go to their site by clicking on it, and join them,


    What this site is, I found this site a little better than the two sites we told you above, because of the way to pay for writing articles on this site, I liked the payout system very much, so let’s know about this site certain things,

    1 . So first of all, you do not need any educational qualification to work on this site, yes, even if your studies are a lot of work, you can earn money by working on this site.

    2.Here you should know how to write articles in the English language in the very best and best way, and this site also says that it is very important for you to know how to write articles in English as well as in Hindi,

    3. And one more thing that you need to have a little knowledge of Microsoft Word here, too.

    4. Here you can not write articles on any category according to you, you have to write articles only on fixed topics like Life, Health, Tours & Travels, Education, Economy, You will get more topics here but For that, you have to go to their official site and check.

    Earn Money By Writing

    How To Write And Earn Money Online

    How To Write And Earn Money Online Fast


    This site is also very good for you because you get a lot of topics here on which you can write articles, and if you like academic writing then you get a lot of options here,

    Here you get a lot of options, as you can do essay writing here, as well as you can write on politics here, as well as you get a lot of topics here, on which you can earn money by writing articles here. Is,

    1 . If you want to join here, then you have to first give a survey test here, after that you will have to give a qualification test, after that you have to write a sample essay so that, they will know about your writing skills, and At last you have to submit your id here and work further,

    2. Here you get an article from $ 4 to $ 12, which is a great amount,

    3. And one more thing, as you keep writing articles here, your level increases here,


    So, friends, you must have heard a lot about this site even before this, and this site is very old anyway, and there are already videos on YouTube, and online thing if you want to work on this site, then you have to Need complete English and yes, if you want to earn here then you need English and in otherwise you will not be able to work here,

    1 . You must have a degree to work here.

    2. When you go to join here, you also have to give a grammar test here,

    How To Write And Earn Money Online Without

    3. You can join here absolutely free, you will not have to pay even a single rupee to join here

    How To Write And Earn Money Online Websites

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