I am a digital marketer and feels that no other than the online platform is better for making money. Through this post, I would like to write about the best methods of earning online income.

  1. Websites To Earn Money Online
  2. How To Make Money In Gta 5 Online 2018
  3. How To Earn Money Online 2018 Free
  4. How To Earn Money Online

My experience of 4 long years speaks the story of the glory of online money making platforms that have initiated a lot of them to determine their journey from rags to riches and offered them a more stable career along with ensuring financial stability.

There are many choices to make money online without investment, but it is essential to understand the essence of the same to derive best results.

Still perplexed!

From automating your bank account to selling your photos through an app, there are easy ways to make money on the side without ever leaving your couch. To help you find the best options available to earn more money, we’ve put together a list of 18 ways to make extra money online this summer. Open a new bank account. Sep 11, 2018 If you want to learn how to make money online fast or how to earn money online in 2018, make sure to watch this video all the ways towards the end. Making money online is real! There are thousand’s of people earning money online on a daily basis.

How to make money online in 2018?

You don’t need to remain confused anymore as the article throws light on the best ways to earn money online. Just go through this guide for deriving a better idea.

Top Eight Ways To Earn Cash Through Internet

Let’s get into the legit earning methods on the web in 2018!

1. Earn With Google Adsense And Other Ad Networks

Google Adsense is the most popular online monetization program. If you own a blog or a website yielding a decent traffic on a daily basis, then Adsense is the answer to your desire for money-making.

It is a contextual advertising program especially dedicated to publishers that allows them to run ads sponsored by Google on their blogs, YouTube videos or websites.

Google pays the publishers for each click received on the ads generated by Google Adwords (Google’s advertisers’ network).

Websites To Earn Money Online

The great thing is that it’s free to join and has a user-friendly interface so that the users can incorporate ads to their sites without any hassles.

Though it is challenging to get approved by Google Adsense as its policies are strict, and even if you manage to earn one in your credit, Google may not intimate you before banning it, if it finds that the program’s policies have been violated. So, you have to be very careful with every move you make with it.

If Google Adsense is not working with you, don’t get depressed as there are many similar advertising networks that are not as rigid as Google Adsense and allows publishers to monetize their websites.


A few examples of such networks are – Medianet, Bidvertiser, and Revenue Hits.

2. Take Content Writing Work

If your writing is something you enjoy, you can certainly give a try to this option for money making online. Over the years, what I have observed is the growth in the popularity of content marketing.

Businessmen these days rely on blog marketing for advertising their business and look for reliable content writers. The opportunity can be a bang on for you if you have the desired skills.

Even if you are a beginner, you can get the suitable writing chances!

You may also have a look at the details of contentment to join as a writer and earn money at home.

3. Open Your E-Commerce Portal

Believe me! This is the easiest way to make money online. If you deal with a specific product line, start with your e-commerce portal today.

Initially, you will have to work a little hard to generate traffic by making use of online marketing tricks. Once, the purpose is met, you can actually make a good deal of money with it.

Just understand how to make money by selling digital products online and you can do the same with your non-digital goods as well.

4. Become A Domain Investor

This is yet another road to making money online easily.

In the recent years, the trend of domain trading has been on its verge because of the high-profit margin associated with the business.

For becoming a domain investor or a domain flipper, you need to invest some money in buying a few number of good domains.

You just need to buy some from reputed domain sellers for less than $10 and sell it off for hundreds of dollars in the future. Indeed!

You need to do your homework before buying these domains. You must have a good knowledge for recognizing the unbooked domains that will perform fantastically in the future.

If someone needy requires that domain that is not available, they can directly contact the domain owner for the deal. In that case, the domain owner can sell it for the desired price.

5. Sell Awesome Pics Online

Here is another way to make extra money online. Just shoot amazing pictures of nature, food, places, wildlife, people, dishes and a lot more and sell them online.

Websites like Shutterstock, Fotolia, Photobucket, iStockphoto encourages people to upload pictures for sale on their website and whenever a customer flock to that site and likes your picture and buys it, you get your incentive. Isn’t it cool?

Yes, it is possible to earn money online through photography!

6. Become Amazon Associate Partner

There are many online ways to make money, and becoming an Amazon Associate partner is just one of the best methods to explore.

Here, you are required to recommend products to your readers, and if any of them likes the recommendation and further clicks it and buy it from Amazon, you earn commission for initiating a sale.

Guess what!

You earn some percentage of the commission of the product’s actual price. So higher the cost of the product, higher gets your earnings. So just give it a thought.

Check how to make income through the Amazon niche site!

7. Earn From Digital Marketing Projects

We are living in the digital era. By acquiring special skills, tips and tricks learning strategies through digital marketing course you can jump into the internet marketing business to try your luck.

I am sure; you can do wonders in this field and it is going to be one of the best ways to make money online in 2018!

If you have an excellent handover digital marketing skills such as SEO, Social Media, Pay Per Click Advertising, FB Ads, etc. you can also start working from home by taking projects from freelancing portals like Upwork, Freelancer.com, Fiverr, etc.

I hope, as a digital marketer, you might be knowing the real ways to making money online with digital marketing.

8. Sell Your Online Courses On Udemy

If you are still not convinced and confused how to make money on the internet, then we have another suggestion for you.

Udemy is a fantastic learning and teaching marketplace that offers a wonderful platform for both the teachers and learners.

With the help of the online tools available with Udemy’s interface, a person can create an online course here, advertise it and then can earn by charging money for offering tuitions to the candidates interested in learning the course. It’s that simple!

Wrapping Up

The money making opportunities on the internet keep on widening! Hence we can make use of them and be our own boss! Work from home is more convenient and possible to earn in $$$.


So what are you waiting for?

I hope you enjoyed reading this amazing write-up on how to start earning money online and kickstart with your monetization plans through an online platform.

How To Make Money In Gta 5 Online 2018

How To Earn Money Online 2018

Do you have any other better suggestions to make money online in 2018? Share your opinion in the comment section!

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