As a newb looking to make real money online, it absolutely sucks.

If you’d like to know more ways for artists to make money and read detailed tips for earning with your creative products, download our ebook $1000 from 1000 subscribers. Ieva Baranova Ieva is a content crafter and travel journalist with 7 years of experience. Jul 20, 2021 32 Legitimate Ways to Make Money From Home. If you want to make money from home, you don’t need much more than internet access. As you browse for opportunities, though, exercise caution. There are a lot of scams out there, but don’t fret: We’ve tested dozens, if not hundreds, of money-making strategies and included only our favorites.

Everyone and their mothers are looking to recruit you so that they can make money.

Scammers entice you with the best of baits, that you often take just to “see if it works”.

It gives me a headache thinking about the process needed to find something that can actually pull through.

Don’t worry, I was in your shoes before.

Now my online journey didn’t start there, as I actually got involved with some network marketing, early in my young adult life.

Being that was all I knew, I thought it was the only way to get out of the rat race.

I joined a gig called Melaleuca and realized that it wasn’t as easy of a sell as I thought it would be.

And no, I don’t think it’s bad, as I still think any MLM will beat any J-O-B out there.

It just didn’t work out for me, so I decided to do more digging and turned to the internet.

That research led me to some of the craziest scams you can think of and I joined my first high ticket ponzi scheme ever.

What did you expect from a desperate young parent looking to change his life?

To make a long story short, I dumped about $10k into someone else’s bank account.

They flashed it all over social media so that others could join them.

The idea is to show you made money and hope that others follow suit.

I eventually cut my losses and decided that it was time to move on.

Bye bye money, hello empty bank account and debt.

After that, I ended up doing surveys with sites like Swagbucks, but that didn’t cut it either.

The amount of money I made per month was not enough to even pay my utilities, so I had to figure something out.

Back to Ponzi-ville I Went

Being that I was still apart of that same scam, I decided to try to pitch it to some of the new people I met on Facebook.

There weren’t any takers but I did run into this dude named Scott, who was willing to hear me out.

Thinking he was actually interested, he also explained what he did but didn’t try to sell it to me at all.

He did mention a company that I had already heard of before but I told him I was going to try other things first.

That’s what I thought until he told me he was making around $2,000 per month.


If I could make half of that, I would be ecstatic and wouldn’t feel so bad for giving $10,000 away.

He told me I just had to follow the training, take some action, and most especially, not to give up.

That’s exactly what I did and wuddya know?

It actually worked.

Nothing happened overnight and no I wasn’t rich in a couple of months.

I put in the work and had the patience to plug away at something that didn’t offer instant gratification.

So what program was this?

It was a site called the Wealthy Affiliate.

That is the same exact site that allowed me to work from home for the past 5 years and it is also the site that I want to talk to you about today.

This is also the same site that took me from Broke Veteran to online entrepreneur, for some of you who don’t really know the whole story.

Not the cutest of stories but that’s my life in a nutshell and that’s how everything went down.

So What is Wealthy Affiliate?

If I was to sum this site up, I would refer to it as a hub for online entrepreneurs.

Now there is a lot more to it that it would literally required a couple thousand words to accomplish.

So what I will do is try to give you a very summarized version so that you can see why I too, recommend it to others.

Initially, WA is where you will learn how to make money online using the affiliate marketing model.

That’s what they cover mainly but they have hours of training that cover other aspects of online marketing.

How Do You Make Money Selling Life Insurance

What is affiliate marketing?

It is nothing more than taking other people’s products and selling them to make a commission.

On top of the training, WA consists of a community that has thousands of online entrepreneurs that are all doing the same exact thing you’re doing.

They will offer help and advice that can be done through the site but most especially their live chat feature.

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

There are so many reasons why but I will try to keep it to nothing but the most important ones.

Just do know that there is no other site like it out there.

You can take my word for it or you can go out there and try to figure that out on your own.

Or you can see what I’m talking about below.

1. Free Trial

Nothing in life is free.


Even if something is free, there is always a catch that usually results in money coming out of your bank account.

With WA, you get a completely free trial that does not require any credit card information.

Might sound a little too good to be true but it’s really not.

You can join for free and see what it’s all about.

If you don’t like what they have to offer, you simply do nothing.

And yes, it is really that simple.

2. Best Training

There are all kinds of free training on how to make money online but none will ever compare to what WA has to offer.


Well, one thing, they update their training as soon as there is an update.

Then there is a live training done every single Friday that comes with the most current strategies on how to make money online.

I seriously don’t know how many lessons there are inside of WA but I know it is a lot.

A lot of training but very organized and straight to the point.

3. Tools

In the world of making money online, there are several things that you absolutely, positively need.

There is no way around it and it is almost impossible to make money without them.

With WA, you literally have everything you need in one place.

Forget about getting one thing here and another thing somewhere else.

You have everything you need all on the same site that is teaching you how to make money in the first place.

You won’t find anything else like it out there, so don’t even try.

Some have tried to compete but none have come close.

4. Support

Forget about getting a response through email or some forum that will only confuse you more.

WA has all kinds of threads of questions that come with answers from other successful online marketers.

Not some newbs that think they know what they’re talking about.

On top of the plethora of answers, the owners (Kyle & Carson) get on there on a daily basis, ready to answer any questions you might have.

Now can you guess what the best part about the support within WA is?

I’m there!

Yup, me.

If you need any kind of support with your soon to be business, I’m your guy.

I don’t charge a single penny for the extra help, as long as you’re a member inside of WA.

How Do You Make Money In Real Life At Home

And if you think coaching is free or even cheap, just know that any guru coach will charge you a couple thousand dollars just to tell you what affiliate marketing is.

This is no exaggeration either, as I charge at least $500 for people in my area that want me to explain what online marketing is.

Oh and this is not something I had when I first started, so consider yourself lucky.

5. Proven Track Record

Not a single program that teaches you how to make money online has been in business longer than WA.

For 14 years (and counting), WA continues to thrive and improve the service they provide to online entrepreneurs.

And with over a million members, you can bet that they are really trusted.

Now I can sit here and tell you all day about how awesome this program really is but so can anyone else.

I maybe be one that has found success with WA but there are thousands more that can attest to this same exact program.

6. No Recruiting to Make Money

Like I mentioned earlier in this post, I have no problem with making money by getting others to join you.

However, it is not for everyone and those kinds of business usually don’t last.

Someone will join under you and then quit the following month, leaving you discouraged.

And no dealing with crazy pyramid style businesses that some consider a ponzi scheme either.

With WA, you do not need to recruit a single person in order to make money and you will see that even in the first lesson inside of WA.

7. You Make Money With Real Products

In the real world, you make money by exchanging money for goods or services correct?

Well, that’s exactly what you will do with what you will learn inside of WA.

However, everything will be done online and you will not have to try to sell anything to anyone.


You simply provide the information they are looking for and the internet will do its thing.

Definitely what you will learn how to do, so go and see for yourself.

Go and Make Real Money Online

You and I both know that there aren’t many opportunities out there.

And I’m sure we can both agree that there is more to life than working, going home and doing the usual routine over and over again.

If you want to make something of yourself or you simply want more time and freedom, this is one of the few programs that will allow you to do such a thing.

I went from fighting bad guys in Iraq to riding my bike to different coffee shops to run my online business.

I can help you do the same as long as you have several of the things necessary to succeed online.

  1. You must be teachable
  2. You must trust me
  3. And you must Take action

If that is something you can understand, then I am willing to give you my time.

Just get signed up below and you can start a journey that I’m sure you will not regret.

By Gina Ragusa

Snagging a side gig is a typical way to earn extra cash, but let’s be honest: A second job can be so time-consuming it could mean the demise of your social life. In some instances, its not FOMO but your busy schedule — like caring for family or being a full-time student — that stops you from taking on more work. But never fear: There's a way to make money without a big-time commitment.

You can thank technology, which has made it possible for just about anyone to make cash without working many extra hours. But there are other secrets to earning side money: You can actually get paid for doing things you normally do, like shopping, eating out, watching videos, working out or even sleeping.

Yup, you heard that right.

The typical time commitment might include completing a survey, shopping or downloading an app, but most of these cash-generating gigs can be done on the go or while you catch some Zs. Check out these 10 ways to make a few extra bucks without disrupting your daily life.

10. Get cash back on stuff you've already bought

Even if you love shopping, trying to keep up with retail sales can become a full-time job, which means you probably miss many price reductions and drops. But if you download a free app like Paribus, you won’t lose out on any deals and can get cash back after an item you’ve purchased goes on sale. The app automatically scans your email offers from 16 of its participating retailers and identifies which stores owe you a refund on a purchase you’ve made if the price drops.

Of course, you can also save money with a quick move before you shop: Download apps like Ibotta and Ebates to find the best deals and earn cash back. Ibotta identifies where you can find deals within its network before you shop, either in-store or online, and provides three different ways to get cash back. Ebates offers cash back for online shopping, plus coupons and deals.

9. Share your habits — for money

Market research companies offer cash to find out where and how consumers are shopping and use a number of apps to gather this data all you have to do is download them and go about your day.

For instance, MobileXpression (for Android and iPhone), SavvyConnect and Nielson Computer and Mobile Panel track your online habits, which helps market researchers identify and track trends.

Some apps pay cash, while others offer rewards. With SavvyConnect, you can earn about $5 per device per month (up to $180 a year) and Nielson Computer and Mobile Panel pays around $50 a year, the Penny Hoarder reported.

8. Become a 'mystery shopper'

Retailers depend on high-quality customer service to get repeat business, which means many will pay for covert customer evaluations. Sign up with companies like Rewardable, Gigwalk, iPoll or QuickThoughts to earn cash and rewards for completing surveys and tasks at specific stores. Stores typically pay from $5 to $20 per shop for tasks like answering a questionnaire on customer service and shopping experience, Forbes reported.

While that may sound like chump change, one shopper reportedly made $14,000 in a year this way. But be wary of companies that say they will pay you a large sum up-front and of unsolicited mystery shopping offers, a sign of a scam, Time reported.

7. Go to the bar for extra bucks

One covert evaluation app might actually help your social life: The Bar Integrity Mystery Shop app pays you to review the conditions and customer service experience at your local watering hole. You might be asked about how long you had to wait for a seat, how your bartender behaved, and more.

Bar life isn’t for you? Consider becoming a reviewer at Restaurant Cops, where your passion for dining can be put to work. Mystery shoppers at Restaurant Cops can make from $5 to $15 per assignment, plus are reimbursed for any purchased food.

6. Earn cash by working out

Does cold hard cash motivate you to get in shape? HealthyWage wants to bet it will, as you set goals and place bets on reaching those goals. People who have used the app to lose weight and get healthy said it works because you are betting your own money on your success.

'I knew that if I put money on the line, it [would be] a double-motivating thing,' Ben Carnes, HealthyWage participant who lost 100 pounds, told NPR. Cash amounts vary based on how much you bet, but some participants have reportedly made more than $2,000 just by meeting their goals.

5. Make money in your sleep

With researchers trying to get a handle on what helps you sleep, organizations are paying sleep-study participants good money for simply heading off to dreamland. Literally.

How Do You Make Money In Real Life

While it's not as simple as cashing a check for your sleep every morning, if you don’t mind a little prodding and poking before researchers track your sleep, you can make almost $12,000 a year for two studies, a writer from the Penny Hoarder found.

Love this idea? Maybe you should look into becoming a full-time bed tester.

4. Turn up cash from thin air

Sites like find money that you'd forgotten about but is still owed to you. That can include old bank accounts, refunds and more.

Another surprisingly lucrative move? If you keep throwing loose change into a junk drawer or letting coins marinate under seat cushions, you could be missing out on a lot of cash. Collect your coins and dump them into a coin-counting machine at your local grocery store, bank or credit union.

While coin-counter machines like CoinStar charge a small fee, you may be surprised by how much money is lurking around your house: One person turned coins into cash and unexpectedly had more than $300 dollars!

3. Get paid to make new friends

Like to meet new people and make connections? Believe it not, you can get paid to make a new friend through RentAFriend.

This company pays people to make platonic, friendly connections with others to perhaps help someone warm up to a new city or to meet for dinner. 'Friends' earn up to $50 an hour, depending on how many hours you work, and there is no specific schedule or minimum amount of time you need to commit.

Ready to go beyond chatting? Become a professional snuggler or get paid to be part of a wedding or to mourn at a funeral.

2. Purge clutter for money

Ouija Board

Selling your clutter can possibly result in a windfall, especially if you’ve been paying for a storagespace to contain all of it. Of course wading through your closet or storage space might take time, but if you planned to make 2017 the year you finally Kondo your life, why not get paid to do it?

Although you can sell your stuff on places like Craigslist, check out apps such as LetGo and DeCluttr or BookScouter, which is great for students and readers who want to sell their books. One money blogger made well over $1,000 selling various stuff on Craigslist.

1. Make coin surfing the web

How Do You Make Money In Real Life Youtube

If you already waste time online and like funny videos or websites, you should be getting paid for your pastime. For instance, Inbox Dollars and FusionCash reward you for watching videos or interacting with certain websites, and UserTesting pays people to test websites. You can also earn money for your photos by contributing images to Shutterstock.

Other online test and review sites to check out for rewards instead of cash include BzzAgent and Influenster, or provide feedback to manufacturers and you might get rewarded.

Love a particular brand or type of food? Here's a guide to getting companies to give you free stuff for a year — or for life.

How Do You Make Money In Real Life As A Kid

Sign up for The Payoff — your weekly crash course on how to live your best financial life. Additionally, for all your burning money questions, check out Mic’s credit, savings, career, investing and health care hubs for more information — that pays off.