1. Does Pa Real Id Cost Money For Travel
  2. Does Pa Real Id Cost Money Now

As of 2019, the renewal fee is $30.50. That comes to a total of $60.50. The expiration date of your new Real ID will include any time left on your current license, as well as four additional years.

  1. A copy of your military ID. OR; A letter from your commanding officer on his or her letterhead. Send the above to the address on the form. Fees to Renew Your PA Driver's License. The cost for renewing your PA driver's license and the renewal period will depend on your age: Under 65 years old: $30.50, valid for 4 years.
  2. A: In order to apply for a REAL ID driver license or ID card, you must visit a DMV field office and submit federally required ID documents such as a U.S. Passport, passport card, an original or certified copy of a birth certificate, also proof of social security number on a W-2, or paystub.


The State of Pennsylvania Comply with the REAL ID Act.

They are in coordination with the Federal Government and highly involved in achieving more security for all american territories. They want to help inhibit terrorists, they take very seriously the possibility of these ones trying to avoid detection by using fraudulent IDs, so that is why the Real ID project is a very good idea on coordination between States to help prevent these kinds of situations. Every State improves with the goal of a safest country and frontiers.

Go to the official state page


REAL ID info in Pennsylvania' />

From the last quarter of this year, every State will have to start issuing a new identification card called REAL ID, which is a new type of identification with more secure standards on its issue process. Whenever a person needs to identify him/herself with official purposes, like i.e. if someone needs to enter a federal facility, board a commercial aircraft or enter a Nuclear power plant, he or she will have to present a REAL ID card.

The deadline to get your brand new REAL ID card is the first of October 2021, it is set that by this time, all the different States will be able to issue them. If you are an american citizen or an american legal resident, you will have to apply for this new type of identification to be able to move around the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will give all States until October 1st 2021 to start to issue this new Identification cards according to the REAL ID standards, for that reason, the Department of Homeland Security is working really hard with all States to help them to comply the standards by the deadline.

The REAL ID is not a national identification card, and it doesn't create a centralized federal database. We would like to leave clear that every State will keep issuing their own cards with its characteristics and will keep having their own records.

There are some Drivers licenses that are still acceptable, like the Enhanced Drivers licenses issued in Michigan, New York, Vermont, Minnesota and Washington.

To get your REAL ID card you will have to make an appointment on your State driving license agency website and check the required papers you will have to present, most of the States will request documentation that shows your Full name and date of birth, your Social Security Number, your address and your legal Status.

If your card has one of the following marks (Check Image below), it may comply with the REAL ID standards, but if you are not sure that your ID is compliant with the REAL ID Identification card please look for assistance.

If you are not sure that your ID card complies with the REAL ID, just make an appointment and ask your agency before risking yourself to being denied to entrance any facility or in case you need to fly around the States. In this last case, if you still do not have ready your REAL ID for October 1st, you can still travel around using your passport; the Transportation Security Administration website offers some other interested information you may check before your flight.

Who can apply for a REAL ID in Pennsylvania?

The REAL ID is for all American citizens, every american must apply for a REAL ID before October first.

Some States regularly issue some identification cards to non citizens or immigrants with no documentation, in this scenario, the REAL ID allows this States to issue driver's licenses and IDs to this group of people, always with some different characteristics and or another color. If this is your situation and you want to check if there is a chance to get a REAL ID for yourself, we recommend you to visit the DHS website to check what are your options.

Any person with an Employment Authorization Document can apply for a REAL ID card which will be temporary until its expiration date. (In this case you will also need to be in possession of a Social Security Number).

The REAL ID Act has been modified with some additions to it, so if you are not sure you are entitled to have this Identification card, we recommend you to ask for assistance to you local State Agency or to visit the DHS website.


If you are planning to fly around the States after October 1 2021, you must keep in mind that a REAL ID will be demanded by the authorities to go through the checkpoint at the airport, if you are not in possession of the new REAL ID, you may be allowed to board and Aircraft by using the passport as an alternative way to be identified, other way your boarding will be rejected. On the other hand, if you plan to fly before this date, the DHS and the TSA will allow you to travel with your current driver's license or the regular identification card issued by your State.

The REAL ID is not required by children under 18 years old travelling accompanied, in this case, a valid ID will be enough to cross the security at the airport.

Does pa real id cost money for travelPa real id documents

The REAL ID card does not replace a passport in any case, we have to leave clear that if you are travelling internationally, i.e into Canada or Mexico, or if you are boarding an international cruise, a passport will be the document to present as a valid identification. The REAL ID card can only be used to travel inside the United States, not to cross the border.


As we said before, all American citizens and residents of the United States must obtain their REAL ID before OCtober 1st 2021. To this purpose, the following documentation will be required for your State agency:

  • Id card that shows your full name and your date of birth - if you are from outside the United States a passport and Visa will be required.
  • Social Security number - Or your Employer Authorization Document if you are not american citizen.
  • 2 documents that show your local address.
  • Legal Status Document - For those who are married, diverced.

All of this documents will have to be brought personally to your Estate agent, by the time there is no possible way to do it remotely. If you already have your appointment, you may check your State specific requirements before the date, and please keep in mind that this information in Standard, there may be some specifications on your Local Agency website.


There will be possible solutions for you if by the time October comes your State doesn’t comply with the Standards of the new REAL ID - Please bear in mind that all States are now working really closely with the DHS to issue REAL ID cards by the deadline.

Report it to the DHS - THere is a lot of bureaucracy in this aspect, and the DHS has the last word. In some scenarios exists the possibility that the jurisdiction will be granted with an extension, in which case the DHS will closely work with their officials to comply with this new rule ASAP.

Does Pa Real Id Cost Money For Travel

You can be granted with a regular ID card that does not comply with the REAL ID standards, in this case, you can make a good use of your ID, and it will be valid for certain purposes but NOT FOR OFFICIAL ONES (The ID must have an inscription informing that the card is not valid for 'Official purposes'), so in case you need to board an aircraft for a regional flight for example, you will have to use your passport.

The Enhanced Driver's License:

If you live in New York, Washington, Minnesota, Michigan or Vermont, you may already have your enhanced driver's license. These kinds of cards are acceptable as Border-crossing documents and are only issued by the States of Washington, New York, Minnesota, Vermont and Michigan. The Secretary of Homeland Security established these cards as acceptable to enter the States by land and sea ports complying with the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, this is due to the fact that this particular card is issued in a secure process, like the REAL ID ones, and that includes new technologies like a Radio Frequency Identification Chip.

Does Pa Real Id Cost Money Now

REAL ID COMPLIANCE in Pennsylvania