1. Eso Not Fair All The Cosmetics Cost Real Money Youtube
  2. Eso Not Fair All The Cosmetics Cost Real Money
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Popular Items

Starting From 300
(43,594 Items)
Starting From 1
(13,369 Items)
Starting From 170,000
(2,785 Items)
Starting From 4,000
(34,732 Items)
Starting From 100
(5,674 Items)
Starting From 1
(5,176 Items)
Starting From 1
(8,939 Items)
Starting From 300
(23,115 Items)
Starting From 24
(4,902 Items)
Starting From 7,212
(1,128 Items)
Starting From 7,499.67
(5,082 Items)
Starting From 1
(6,245 Items)
Starting From 150
(4,417 Items)
Starting From 1
(3,034 Items)
Starting From 50
(7,661 Items)
Starting From 27,700
(1,256 Items)
Starting From 200
(18,728 Items)
Starting From 10
(362,034 Items)
Starting From 234
(568 Items)
Starting From 10
(5,839 Items)

ESO Crafters and Sludge IndustriesPricing Guide

Please note that all the prices listedhere are considered average. Other Guild Stores/Players could sell for slightlymore or slightly less, it is their choice. Prices in this list may changedepending on changes within the game, their availability, and their demand.

Yeah don't buy them. Instead get eso plus, play them while it's active, and use the monthly crown rewards to buy dlc. If you do buy crowns (I'd recommend not, you get better value buying even a month of eso plus), wait til they're on sale 50% off which they go on sale every few. Crown Store - The Elder Scrolls Online. 7 products listed. Limited Time Offers.25% 4 days left. Dark Brotherhood. Furnishing Pack: Shadow and Stone.


(H:)High, this is the highest you should price an item. Use this price if you findan item is in short supply and high demand. Only buy at this price if you musthave it immediately.

(L:)Low this is the lowest you should price an item. This price should have noproblem selling and would be an ok price to buy an item at.

(Buy:)This is the price you want to buy an item at. If your goal is to make money, you should not sell your items at thisprice because you will be losing money. However, if your goal is to sell goods at a lowered price to help other guild members, you should sell your items at this price or lower!



(PricePer Item)(Try selling in stacks of 10-50)

Any Level material Raw - H:200g L:100g Buy:50g

Iron ingots - H:25g L:15g Buy:8g

Steel ingots - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Orichalcum ingots - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Dwarven ingots - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Ebony ingots - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Calcinium ingots - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Galatite Ingots - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Quicksilver Ingots - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Voidstone ingots - H:50g L:30g Buy:10g

Honing Stones - H:300g L:200g Buy:100g (Recommended stack size 5 orless)

Dwarven Oil - H:1,500g L:1,200g Buy:1,000g (Recommended stack size 3less)

Grain Solvent - H:4,000g L:3,000g Buy:2,000g (Recommended stack size 1)

Tempering Alloy - H:9,000g L:7,000g Buy:5,000g (Recommended stack size 1)


(PricePer Item)(Try selling in stacks of 10-50)

Any Level material Raw - H:150gL:100g Buy:50g

Jute - H:25g L:15g Buy:8g

Rawhide - H:25g L:15g Buy:8g

Flax - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

**Hide - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Cotton - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Leather - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Spidersilk - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Thick Leather - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Ebonthread - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Fell hide - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g)

Kresh Fiber - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

**Topgrain Hide - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Ironthread - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Iron hide - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Silverweave - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Superb Hide - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Void Cloth - H:50g L:25g Buy:10g

Shadowhide - H:50g L:25g Buy:10g

Eso Not Fair All The Cosmetics Cost Real Money Youtube

**Hemming - H:200gL:100g Buy:50g (Recommended stack size 5 or less)

**Embroidery - H:1,000g L:800g Buy:500g(Recommended stack size 3 or less)

**Elegant Lining - H:2,000g L:1,500g Buy:1,000g (Recommended stack size 1)

**Dreugh Wax - H:4,000g L:3,000g Buy:1,000g (Recommended stack size 1)

**(8/2 A farming spot has enabled massgeneration of these materials and has not yet been patched, the longer thisopportunity is around the longer this market will be affected)


(PricePer Item)(Try selling in stacks of 10-50)

H:200gL:100g Buy:50g

Sanded Maple - H:25g L:15g Buy:8g

Sanded Oak - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Sanded Beech - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Sanded Hickory - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Sanded Yew - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Sanded Birch - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Sanded Ash - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Sanded Mahogany - H:35g L:20g Buy:8g

Sanded Nightwood - H:50g L:30g Buy:10g

Pitch - H:350gL:250g Buy:100g (Recommended stack size 5 or less)

Turpen - H:1,500gL:1,200g Buy:1,000g (Recommended stack size 3 less)

Mastic - H:4,000gL:3,000g Buy:2,000g (Recommended stack size 1)

Rosin - H:8,000gL:6,500g Buy:5,000g (Recommended stack size 1)


(PricePer Item)(Current supplies of ingredients and high end water are low, mostlow end water is available)

Blessed Thistle - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Blue Entoloma - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Bugloss - H:450g L:350g Buy:100g

Columbine - H:450g L:350g Buy:200g

Corn Flower - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Dragonthorn - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Emetic Russula - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Imp Stool - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Lady's Smock - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Luminous Russula - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Mountain Flower - H:450g L:350g Buy:150g

Namira's Rot - H:450g L:350g Buy:150g

Nirnroot - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Stinkhorn - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Violet Coprinus - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Water Hyacinth - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

White Cap - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Wormwood - H:250g L:150g Buy:50g

Natural Water - H:5g L:3g Buy:1g

Clear Water - H:10g L:5g Buy:3g

Pristine Water - H:20g L:11g Buy:5g

Cleansed Water - H:20g L:11g Buy:5g

Filtered Water - H:20g L:11g Buy:5g

Purified Water - H:30g L:20g Buy:10g

Cloud Mist - H:100g L:50g Buy:30g


(PricePer Item)

Essence Runestones (triangle) - H:100g L:50g Buy:20guniversally

Potency Runestones (square) - H:100gL:50g Buy:20g for first grade plus an additional +50g for every gradehigher (you can check the grade based on what level of the 'potency improvement'skill is required to use it, max is 9)

Aspect Runestones (circle)

Ta- H:100g L:50g Buy:20g

Jejota - H:300gL:250g Buy:100g

Denata - H:1,000gL:600g Buy:300g

Rekuta - H:1,300gL:1,000g Buy:600g

Kuta - H:9,000gL:7,000g Buy:4,000g


Racial Motif1: Altmer - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif2: Dunmer - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif3: Wood Elf - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif4: Nord - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif5: Breton - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif6: Redguard - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif7: Khajiit - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif8: Orc - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Racial Motif9: Argonian - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Eso Not Fair All The Cosmetics Cost Real Money

RacialMotif 10: Imperial - H:110,000gL:90,000g Buy:80,000g

RacialMotif 11: Ancient Elf - H:70,000gL:50,000g Buy:30,000g

RacialMotif 12: Barbaric - H:60,000gL:40,000g Buy:30,000g

RacialMotif 13: Primal - H:60,000g L:40,000g Buy:30,000g

RacialMotif 14: Daedric - H:70,000g L:50,000g Buy:30,000g

RacialMotif 15: Dwemer - H:200,000gL:160,000g Buy:100,000

RacialMotif 15, Chapters - H:9,000gL:5,000g Buy:3,000g each for


(Note there are certain recipes that are ‘rare’ and worthmore than noted, a list will be available soon. Also any Recipe Improvement 6is worth more. Food recipes tend to sell for higher rates than drink recipes)

Any Green Recipe - H:800g L:300g Buy:100g

**Foods (Argonian Saddle Cured Rabbit, FreshApples and Eidar Cheese, and Pickled Carrot Slurry) - H:5000g L:1,500g Buy:500g

**Drinks (Arenthian Brandy, Khenarthi's WingsChai, and Sipping Imga Tonic) - H:5000gL:1,500g Buy:500g

**These are used for the highest levelprovisioning writ and are highly sought after.

Any Blue Recipe - H:3,000g L:2,000g Buy:500g

Any Purple Recipe - H:20,000g L:10,000g Buy:5,000g

Any Base Ingredient - H:100g L:50g Buy:10g

Bervez Juice - H:4,000g L:3,000g Buy:1,000g

Frost Mirriam - H:7,000g L:5,000g Buy:2,000g

Style Material

Molybdenum (Breton) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Corundum (Nord) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Adamantite (Altmer) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Bone (Bosmer) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Obsidian (Dunmer) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Flint (Argonian) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Starmetal (Redguard) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Eso not fair all the cosmetics cost real money full

Manganese (Orc) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Moonstone (Khajiit) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g

Nickel (Imperial) - H:10g L:5g Buy:1g (Don’t betricked, this can be bought at the standard store and is NOT a rare material)

Argentum (Primal) - H:300g L:150g Buy:75g

Palladium (Ancient Elf) - H:2,000g L:1,200g Buy:800g

Copper (Barbaric) - H:500g L:300g Buy:150g

Daedra Hearts (Daedric) - H:1,500g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Dwemer Frame - H:7,000g L:5,000g Buy:3,000g

Eso not fair all the cosmetics cost real money summary

Trait Gems

(Looking for more sales data)

ArmourTrait Gems

Almandine (Well-Fitted) - H:150g L:100g Buy:50g

Bloodstone (Infused) - H:100g L:50g Buy:30g

Diamond (Impenetrable) - H:150g L:100g Buy:50g

Emerald (Training) - H:100g L:50g Buy:30g

Garnet (Exploration) - H:250g L:150g Buy:100g

Quartz (Sturdy) - H:100g L:50g Buy:30g

Sapphire (Divines) - H:250g L:150g Buy:100g

Sardonyx (Reinforced) - H:100g L:50g Buy:30g

WeaponTrait Gems

Amethyst (Charged) -H:100g L:50g Buy:30g

Carnelian (Training) - H:100g L:50g Buy:30g

Chysolite (Powered) - H:250g L:150g Buy:100g

Citrine (Weighted) - H:250g L:150g Buy:100g

Fire Opal (Sharpened) - H:250g L:150g Buy:100g

Jade (Infused) - H:150g L:100g Buy:50g

Ruby (Precises) - H:150g L:100g Buy:50g

Turquoise (Defending) - H:150g L:100g Buy:50g

Soul Gems and Glyphs

(Veteran rank Glyphs can fetch more)

NormalWhite Glyphs (for deconstruction) - H:200gL:150g Buy:100g

Green Glyphs - H:600g L:400g Buy:200g

Blue Glyphs - H:1,000g L:600g Buy:300g

Purple Glyphs - H:3,000g L:1,000g Buy:500g

Legendary Glyphs - H:15,000g L:8,000g Buy:5,000g

SoulGem -

GrandSoul Gem - H:400g L:300g Buy:200g (vendor sells for 900g (120g empty), but are very useful especially inPVP)

Food and Potions

NormalWhite Food/Drink - 10g each

Green Food/Drink - H:30g L:15g Buy:10g

Blue Food/Drink - H:1,000g (VR10) L:300g(VR1) Buy:100g (Non Vet)

Purple Food/Drink - H:3,000g L:2,000g Buy:1,000g

Potions- H:1,000g (VR10) L:300g (VR1) Buy:100g(Non Vet)


Treasure Maps - H:3,000g L:1,000g Buy:500g**

**Save your maps, you will want themfor the DLC, trust me :)


This is a very rare endgame trait/trait gem. Each Characterwill only ever receive a single piece of Nirnhoned gear, it is completelyrandom and given to you from completing the Craglorn main story line. You willwant to research this item as soon as possible. The trait gems are a very raredrop from any material node collections done in Upper Craglorn. As a craftingGuild I will encourage all Merchant’s Union members to try and share thesetraits among themselves in order to establish a strong base for the guild.

FortifiedNirncrux - H:50,000g L:40,000g Buy:30,000g

PotentNirncrux - H:60,000g L:50,000g Buy:40,000g

NirnhonedTrait Item - H:80,000g L:70,000gBuy:60,000g

Psijic Ambrosia

This is a drink introduced thatprovides 50% increase experienced points for ALL sources for 30 minutes. (Thiscan be increased to 50 minutes with 3/3/ Connoisseur skill in provisioning) Theingredients to craft this item are; 1 Frost Mirriam, 1 Bervez Juice, 1 Perfect Roe

(Perfect Roe is a rare drop fromskinning fish) As for the recipe itcomes in 7 pieces and once combined makes the Legendary Recipe. Each set ofingredients should create 4 potions (if the crafter is specced correctly. Thefragments are obtained from provision daily writ. With the increased desire tocomplete these writs the following recipes should see an increase in value; Foods - Argonian Saddle Cured Rabbit,Fresh Apples and Eidar Cheese, and Pickled Carrot Slurry; Drinks - Arenthian Brandy, Khenarthi's Wings Chai, and Sipping ImgaTonic

Perfect Roe - H:15,000g L:12,000g Buy:10,000g

Psijic Ambrosia Potion - H:12,000g L:10,000g Buy:8,000g

Psijic Ambrosia Recipe Fragment - H:250,000g L:200,000g Buy:150,000g


Up to this point all prices are pretty straightforward. Gearis especially hard to judge but below are some general best practices forpricing. Please use your best judgement when pricing these items.

NormalWhite Gear (for deconstruction) - H:200gL:100g Buy:50g

Green Gear (for deconstruction) - H:300g L:200g Buy:100g

Blue Gear (for deconstruction) - H:1,000g L:600g Buy:300g

Purple Gear (for deconstruction) - H:3,000gL:2,000g Buy:1,000g

Legendary Gear (for deconstruction) - H:30,000g L:20,000g Buy:10,000g

Certainfeatures of an equipment can increase it's value. Normal White gear is largelyunaffected by this except in the case of Traits for Research.

If a gear is between level 30 - 50,+20%

If a gear is a veteran rank level,+50%

If a gear is part of a Set, +20%

If a gear is a weapon or chest piecearmor, +20%

If a gear has a valuable Researchtrait on it, (I'm having troubles determining particular price improvements fortraits, there are many traits and they aren't actual items, just stats, soinformation on their cost is sparse)

If a gear has a valuable enchantmenton it, +20% for each level of enchantment (Enchantments also come in white,green, blue, purple, and yellow levels, with more powerful enchantmentsyielding even greater benefits, basically every level up adds another 20% tothe price.)

If a gear was a reward for a quest,then then -30% regardless of what other features it has. This is because technicallyanyone can get the item for free just by doing the quest, so it isn't worthmuch. You can tell when a gear is a quest reward because it will have a smalldescription at the bottom of it related to the quest it was found in.

Theprice of an item is based on two things, availability (determined by howfrequently the item is found or farmed, and how many people are around thelevel range to find it) and demand (determined by how many people want it andhow many crafters of that type there actually are). As such the prices are notalways linear, higher grade materials are not necessarily worth more becausethere can be just as many people of the level to farm them and just as manypeople of the level to use them as any lower level grade.

It should be noted that these items could be sold in guildstores for more than the prices listed.

ALSO, being a crafting guild, you may opt to DONATE the itemsto the guild bank. Doing so will speed up the process of being promoted to aposition with guild bank access!

Any RAW Material - 10g per bundle of10

Any GreenArmor or Weapon(NoJewelry) - 100g a piece

Any BlueArmor or Weapon(NoJewelry) - 300g a piece

Any food ingredient - 3g per bundleof ten

Any alchemy reagent (Plants) - 30gper bundle of ten